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Having a nanny

Job duties of nanny

The standard scope of work includes daily housekeeping, cooking, laundry, and taking care of the daily life of the elderly and children at home. Of course, in the process of actual work, it is also necessary to provide services according to the habits of each family, and actively communicate with employers. You should pay attention to personal hygiene at ordinary times, and avoid affecting normal work due to illness.

A nanny provides one-on-one care for a baby in a home setting, much the same way parents watch their children. Since the caregiver only cares for one baby, the child gets more attention and stimulation and is more likely to form an emotional bond with the nanny.

Asking someone to watch the child at home will make the child more comfortable with the day when the mother goes to work. Although the first caregiver (mother) is not at home, the surrounding environment remains unchanged, and the child is familiar with his home and feels safe. Nowadays, many nannies will receive some form of training from their domestic service companies or nannies companies and obtain qualification certificates. When you hire a nanny, you can check all her identification and qualifications according to local regulations.

A gracious nanny often becomes a part of the family and stays connected to the children even after she's gone.

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